Human beings have a tremendous ability to be compassionate to others, but are notoriously bad at being kind to themselves. Why?
Numerous studies suggest the principle reason is the absence of ‘self-love’. We don’t feel worthy of it because we haven’t earned it; we don’t deserve it; or we refuse to apply it because it will somehow affect our results and achievements.
How do we cultivate self-love in a harsh and judgmental world? How can we galvanize feelings of worthiness to give ourselves what we freely give to others, and go on to realize our full potential?
Julian shares unique insights from his personal experiences with depression, perfectionism, and ill-health, and the mindset needed to recover. He teaches the secrets to self-compassion, and how a daily routine of gratitude, joy, and connection can help us thrive.
Attendees will:
- Connect with their voice, their breath, and their authenticity
- Be inspired and motivated to make positive change in their lives, quickly and effectively
- Build routines that propel them to greater happiness and success
- Commit to a ‘Radical Self-Care Pledge’ created in the room, designed to help them implement their learning at home
NB: in-person keynotes include a fun and interactive musical experience from the Broadway musical, ‘Hamilton’